About my blog

I created this blog to keep up with all the childrens series I have read. My goal is to find out what children enjoy reading and why. By doing this I am able to recommend books to students that they may find interesting. Please feel free to also comment on your opinion of a series.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Harry Potter Series

I read a few books from the Harry Potter Series a couple years ago.  I'm currently re-reading the series because I did enjoy the ones I had read.  There is a lot of controversy over this series and religion.  In my opinion this series doesn't encourage witchcraft.  Yes the characters are wizards and do magic but it is a fiction book meant to entertain, not to persuade anyone into any religion.  These books can teach children many lessons such as teamwork.  In the books the characters are grouped into different houses and have to work together to earn points for their house so that can win the cup at the end of the school year.   I will write more on these series once I finish re-reading.